Tag: Match play
The Polar Triangle Backgammon Opening Series
[13:09] A video that illustrates how the match score can influence what moves you should play. This is episode 1 of a series.
Polar Triangle Backgammon Opening Series by Backgammon Skill Set
[13:09] An excellent series on how to play different openings depending on the different match scores from the Backgammon Skill Set youtube channel.
Estimating win chances by Michihito “Michy” Kageyama
[6:42] Michy walks you through how he computes the win chances in a game over the board.
How to Win Backgammon Matches by Chris Bray
[1:24:00] How to adapt both your checker play and your cube play at different match scores.
Use the cube as your weapon! by David Presser
[49:34] Learn how, when and why to offer the doubling cube more aggressively.