Tag: Mochy
My Worst Luck EVER in Backgammon by Masayuki “Mochy” Mochizuki
[10:07] Mochy losing by a backgammon in what he calls his most unlucky game ever, showing that even the best can experience the worst case scenario in backgammon. It also showcases Mochy’s tremendous grace, and his understanding that sometimes the dice will just rob you of any winning chances.
How To Play Opening Moves in Backgammon by Masayuki “Mochy” Mochizuki
[8:57] Mochy walks you through all the opening rolls.
Non-Contact Positions by Masayuki “Mochy” Mochizuki
[22:03] How to best bear your checkers into your homeboard and on how to best bear them off.
Backgammon Strategic Visualization by Masayuki “Mochy” Mochizuki
[34:35] How to identify the correct game plan by looking at the checker distribution.