Below is a curated list of free videos to improve all aspects of your backgammon play.
Alex Eshaghian (4) Backgames (2) Backgammon Galaxy (3) Backgammon is Beautiful (15) Backgammon Skill Set (1) Bear-in (2) Bear-off (6) Beginners (10) Blitzing (4) Checker play (19) Doubling cube (9) Game plans (3) Game play (3) Justin Nowell (3) Marc Olsen (3) Match play (5) Michy (2) Mochy (4) Opening moves (6) Pip counting (7) Priming (1) Quizzes (3) Saving the gammon (1) Theory (5)
[37:04] In the early game, should you make your 20 point or your opponents? A 10-position quiz featuring Alex Eshaghian on the Backgammon is Beautiful Youtube channel.
[1:23:27] A comprehensive lecture on all beginner and intermediate topics related to doubling in unlimited games.
[30:58] A comparison of the different effective pip count methods for bear-off cubes.
[12:25] A beginner’s lesson on backgames on the Backgammon is Beautiful Youtube channel.
[10:40] A 12 position quiz from Dan Rovira of the Backgammon is Beautiful Youtube channel.
[34:35] How to identify the correct game plan by looking at the checker distribution.
[9:15] A lesson on the cube action for variations on the 55 opening blitz by Justin Nowell of Backgammon University.
[5:46] A short lesson on bearing off from the Backgammon is Beautiful Youtube channel.
[7:26] A few examples of a high-risk, high-reward play which is essential for a successful blitz, by Justin Nowell.
[13:00] A video on Magriel’s Bold vs. Safe play criteria on the Backgammon is Beautiful Youtube channel.
[25:27] A modern analysis of the opening moves first described by Paul Magriel by Marc Olsen.
[50:11] A 7-point match between GM Marc Olsen and then World Champ Sander Lylloff from Olsen’s perspective. Includes commentary and post-game analysis.
[40:55] A simple way to do colorless relative pip counting, from the Backgammon is Beautiful Youtube channel.
[14:54] A lesson on common errors made by backgammon beginners on the Backgammon is Beautiful Youtube channel.
[51:02] A near-exhaustive video on opening replies.
[1:03:01] A bunch of tricks for different mental calculations to do over the board.
[19:32] Another fast way to do colorless relative pip counting.
[8:51] A short lesson that teaches shot-counting or how to calculate probabilities for beginners from the Backgammon Galaxy Youtube channel.
[6:42] Michy walks you through how he computes the win chances in a game over the board.
[8:19] An introduction to the five main game plans of backgammon on the Backgammon is Beautiful Youtube channel.
[7:50] A 5-position quiz derived from blunders made in-game by GMs, on the Backgammon is Beautiful Youtube channel.
[1:00:34] A seminar on doubling in holding games and racing positions.
[8:57] Mochy walks you through all the opening rolls.
[1:24:00] How to adapt both your checker play and your cube play at different match scores.